An ion pump (also referred to as a sputter ion pump) is a type of vacuum pump capable of reaching up to 10-11 mbar under ideal conditions. An ion pump ionizes gases and employs a strong electrical potential, typically 3kV to 7kV, to accelerate them into a solid electrode. A swirling cloud of electrons produced in hollow Penning cells ionizes incoming gas atoms and molecules while they are trapped in a strong magnetic field. The swirling ions strike the chemically active cathode inducing sputter and are then pumped by chemisorption which effectively removes them from the vacuum chamber, resulting in a net pumping action. Inert and lighter gases, such as He and H2 do not effectively induce sputter and are absorbed by physisorption. Some fraction of the energetic gas ions (including gas that is not chemically active with the cathode material) that strike the metal cathode steal an electron from the surface and rebound as a neutral atom. These energetic neutrals are reflected back from the cathodes and buried as neutrals in exposed pump surfaces.